Discover the Magic of PDO Matrix: The Ultimate Skin Revival Technique

Unlock nature's secret to radiant, rejuvenated skin! Experience groundbreaking technology that harnesses your body's natural power to reduce wrinkles, refine scars, and unveil a fresher, younger you – all in just a few short months

How PDO Matrix Works

The PDO Matrix is a cutting-edge technique that includes carefully positioning absorbable sutures that have already been inserted into incredibly thin needles to create a sophisticated mesh beneath the skin. Over the course of an estimated 12 weeks, this precise procedure stimulates the body’s normal collagen production and promotes the construction of new blood vessels. These threads progressively disappear over the course of approximately ten months, leaving behind renewed and invigorated skin.

The PDO Matrix offers amazing advantages as it may be used on almost any part of the body. It significantly improves the look of scars, tightens and rejuvenates the skin, and significantly lessens wrinkles and fine lines. Discover PDO Matrix’s transformative power for yourself, and embrace a more vibrant, youthful you.

General Questions and Answers

The PDO Matrix is an innovative skin rejuvenation method that involves the strategic placement of absorbable sutures beneath the skin using incredibly fine needles. These sutures form a refined mesh that not only supports the skin but also stimulates the body’s natural collagen production and encourages the growth of new blood vessels. Over approximately ten months, these threads gradually dissolve, leaving the skin looking refreshed and revitalized

Video metrics is suitable for most individuals that are seeking non-surgical methods to rejuvenate the skin. Ideal candidates are those who do not have extreme sagging skin and want to improve the appearance of scars, wrinkles, skin laxity during a consultation, Dr. Goyle will determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure by going over your medical history and evaluating you.

This depends upon the degree of correction required. During a consultation, Dr. Goyle will give you an estimate regarding this.


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